
99758 86406

Our Clients

Our commitment towards our clients and quality of services is reflected in our client base. We have been working the best of the National & International organizations to fulfill their ship manning requirements. Our customer centric approach and zeal for customer delight are two of the main factors differentiating us apart in the ship manning industry

Name of the companyDetails of vesselsServices offered
Indian Principals
Reliance Industries Limited3 Gas carriers
3 SPM tugs.
3 Harbour tugs. &
RIL Hazira & IDMT Jetty.
Entire Manning and Management of Wages
Payments, Article of Agreement And All Statutory Payments.

Supply of Mooring Crew for the Jetty at Hazira and Dahej for
Birthing and Un Birthing.

Since April, 1998.
San Marine
6 OFFFSHORE VESSELSEntire Manning and Management of Wages
Payments and Article of Agreement And All Statutory Payments.

Since March, 2022
Adel Shipping
Logistics Limited
2 HARBOUR TUGS.Entire Manning and Management Wages Payments, Article of Agreement
And All Statutory Payments.

Since September, 2018.

About Our Hidden Assets

S PALANIAPPAN : Chief Executive Officer & Director – A Master of Commerce Graduate with extensive experience in Personnel Management in
Shipping Industry since 1986- a highly respected person among floating staff in the Shipping Industry – well known for his able Leadership and high performance. He is overall responsible for:

 Marketing and Bringing the Business to the Company.
 Ensuring that the necessary manning requirements are determined.
 Final selection of all the officers & Crew.
 To organize and keep the reliever for S/Off officers & crew in time
 Wages fixation ( Prior to obtained approval from the principle)
 All banking transaction.

CAPT. VALSAN JANAKI MADHAVAN . : – Marine Consultant – A Master F.G. Ticket holder acting as a Marine Consultant for all upcoming Projects. HAVING VAST SAILING EXPIERENCE ON VARIOUS TYPS OF SHIPS.

MR.P.BALASUBRAMANIAN.:- DIRECTOR. HSSE & MANNING – A Holder of Second Mate F.G. and have 5 years sailing experience on bulk carriers as a deck officer.

MR. RAMESH VARMA : A Chartered Accountant looking after entire Accounts up to finalization of our Company Accounts.

MR. BHUSHAN SULE ADMIN. & ACCTS MANAGER – A B.Com Graduate joined with this Company in the year of 2015. His responsibilities are:
 Entire Office Administration for day to day Office work.
 Preparation of Pay slips.
 Issuance of T.D.S certificate.
 Dealing with EPF / ESIC / GIC Departments.
 Finalization of Entire Companies Account.
 Company’s ISO Internal Auditor.

MR. SACHIN PAWAR : FLEET PERSONAL OFFICER – A Arts Graduate joined with this Company in the year of 2000. His responsibilities are :
 Review of application from officers & crew with the necessary documents and issue the receipts for same.
 Handling and verifying including the validity of the Documents & certificates as per STCW -95.
 Communication with Principals, officers & Crew.
 Arranging the Pre Sea Medical, Travel & Clothing for the joining Crew.
 Preparation of Articles of Agreements for all the Officers & Crew
 Issuance of appointment letters and other letter related to the joining officers & crew.
 Submission of all the Articles of Agreements to the SHIPPING OFFICE.
 Maintaining all the records related to all Recruitments
 UPDATING the Sign On / Sign Off details with the D.G.Site
 UPDATING the Master’s Change of Command with MMD- MUMBAI.
 Obtaining required all Dispensation from D.G. Shipping

MRS. MANISHA SAWANT – FLEET PERSONAL ASSISTANT – Joined with this Company in the year of 2022. She is a Commerce Graduate from Mumbai
 Review of application from officers & crew with the necessary documents and issue the receipts for same.
 Handling and verifying including the validity of the Documents & certificates as per STCW -95.
 Communication with Principals, officers & Crew.
 Arranging the Pre Sea Medical, Travel & Clothing for the joining Crew.
 Preparation of Articles of Agreements for all the Officers & Crew
 Issuance of appointment letters and other letter related to the joining officers & crew.
 Submission of all the Articles of Agreements to the SHIPPING OFFICE.
 Maintaining all the records related to all Recruitments



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